Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Blink of an Eye...Literally!

I was finally moved to intermediate care where my memories start coming back although they are "broken" memories.  I have glimpses of reality and many more dreams from another world.  However, I did start responding to requests to wiggle my toes, blink my eyes or stick out my tongue.  The neurolgists were greatly concerned at this point because the ADEM was so severe.  They wondered if I would ever sit up and talk again - let alone walk.  At first, the doctors wondered if I would be any better off than Christopher Reeves was. 

To test my response time and muscle control, they asked me to stick out my tongue which I complied with.  The next thing they request was for me to wiggle my big toe on one foot.  I was only able to move it the slightest bit.  And then, I was asked to move the big toe on my other foot.  Well, low and behold...I stuck out my tongue.  The doctor's said that it was a disconnect in my brain due to the ADEM.  But I'd like to think of it as my way of saying this is RIDICULOUS and a way of showing my sense of humor.  Of course in the days to follow, my responses proved that the doctors' theory was correct and I really did have some disconnect in my brain function.

Sun, 1 Nov 2009 16:58:36 -0600

Heather’s condition has improved so they moved her to Intermediate Care on the 4th floor and out of ICU. She still has mobility problems and can barely move her fingers and toes but is doing much better on her oxygen. For those of you who’ve asked how you can help, right now, besides the prayers, we could use two things:

Because I’ll be going back to work full time, it would be nice to have people spend some time sitting with her. She can’t talk yet but is very much awake and aware and will have you grinning at her “signals” of blinking eyes, sticking out her tongue and winking! (Please email me when you can visit)

In lieu of sending flowers, if you were planning on such a purchase, a gift card to Kohls or Target would probably be better for her as she’s lost quite a bit of weight from this ordeal and after physical therapy, will need to buy some clothes she can wear. The reason I suggest Kohls or Target is that both stores are less than a mile from the house and it will be easier when she gets home to get her there and back.