Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Turn for the Better

Week 3 came along and I was making progress which gave everyone hope and encouragement that I would pull through the whole ordeal.  The routine was more of the same.  The emails below recount the week better than I can.

Sun, 18 Oct 2009 20:03:10 -0500

I spoke with Dr. Winegardner this morning and she seems to have turned a corner. They have her temperature under control. (it was a reaction to specific meds) Her kidney functions are improving. She was able to withstand 5 hours on her back with O2 at 50%. He said that he’s hopeful that she could be out of this bed and into a regular hospital bed in the next couple of days. I can’t tell you the relief we felt today when he said that. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the power of prayer or at the very least, positive energy, needs to take a look at what it’s done for our family! I’ll continue to send out updates until she’s home. I know many people will want to see her and talk to her when she’s out of the hospital, but realize that she’ll still need lots of care before she’s recovered fully. I don’t want to her to become overwhelmed. You know Heather…she’ll want to take on too much too soon!


Mon, 19 Oct 2009 18:54:37 -0500

Heather was able to withstand 10 hours on her back last night. The doctors are hopeful that she’ll be out of this bed and into a regular hospital bed in the ICU in the next couple of days. Her O2 is at 40% and PEEP of 8. Major change as compared to Sunday the 11th. Here is a guide on ARDS for those of you who will want to see/visit her once she recovers and is out of the hospital.- http://www.ardsusa.org/tips_post_ards.htm


Heather’s condition continues to improve daily. They plan to have her on her back for 24 hours and then flat on her back for a few more hours after that. If she’s able to maintain oxygen levels and other levels, they’ll move her to a regular bed! They took her off the paralytic drug today and I was able to see her jaw moving a bit and her eyelids moving a little. She’s still in a sleep state but is probably aware of people around her now. Drew and Emily and her parents are coming in this weekend. She may very well be awake by then!


Wed, 21 Oct 2009 19:56:05 -0500

They put Heather into a regular hospital bed in the ICU today. She’s sleeping MUCH more comfortably and even opened her eyes a few times. They still have her on the sedative and morphine so she’s in and out of consciousness but not awake enough to respond. It’s just wonderful to see her beautiful eyes again!

I feel like I can hear cheers of joy from us all!!! Yahoo, yippee and yee haw!!

Thank you God!!
Connie Hollingsworth

Sat, 24 Oct 2009 08:49:52 -0500

Sorry I’ve not sent updates the last couple of nights. Heather was moved to a regular bed in ICU so I’ve been spending more time at the hospital. Her condition continues to improve. She recognizes it’s me when I come into the room and is obviously confused/scared by the fact she can’t talk due to the breathing tube. Because of the steroids and paralytic drugs, it’s difficult for her to move her hands/legs, which adds to the confusion. She can have visitors but we’re trying to limit visits so we don’t overwhelm her. Please email me if you’d like to see her and we’ll make arrangements. Emily and Drew and her parents came in to see her this weekend, so that offers some comfort to her. The doctors are hoping to remove the breathing tube by the end of the weekend if they can wean her off of it.
