Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Bed

I have really been putting off writing this part of my story.  It is very difficult for family to talk about the details and emotions.  I have also not wanted to face the reality that I almost slipped away from the world.  As you read below, realize the details are slim but the emotions were great...

On Friday, I was finally placed in the rotoprone bed which the doctors explained would optimize my oxygen levels.  In order for me to gain the most and not fight the bed, I was placed in a chemical induced coma.  Most people stayed in the bed about a week before they improved.  My total time in the bed was double the normal.  I was in for 13 days. 

At the same time, another girl was in the same type of bed and was 2 days ahead of me in the whole process.  Mike and my parents would watch her progression to determine the course I would take.  As they watched, they had hope.  The doctors cautioned them stating we were two completely different cases, yet they couldn't help but  hope I'd follow the same course. 

Sunday was a very bleak day for everyone.  Even with the aggressive treatment, my oxygen levels were not improving and my kidneys were beginning to fail as well.  Mike asked the doctor to be completely honest with him about what was going to happen.  The doctor looked at him with a serious face filled with sadness.  As he took his glasses off to wipe his eyes, he told Mike that there was a great possibility I wouldn't make it through the day.  Mike made the necessary phone calls to family and friends and the prayers started.  When Mike talked to his sister, she immediately said she was on her way. She had Mike put the phone to my ear so she could tell me she would see me when she got here.

Family and friends came to the hospital to give support.  Daron, Christy and the kids were getting ready to head back to Flower Mound when they got the call.  Daron asked Mike if he needed to bring the kids up, and the mutual decision was yes.  Daron explained to the kids that the situation had taken a turn for the worse.  They would need to go say their goodbyes.  I cannot imagine the fear and emotion that came over them knowing that their Momma was more than likely going to die by the end of the day.  Both kids recall crying and being angry that things were going down this road.  When the kids got to the hospital, they both sat with me and talked to me telling me how much they loved me and to get better.  The doctors took time to show the kids before and after x-rays of my lungs.  The x-rays showed the lungs full of fluid which gave the kids a better understanding of what we were dealing with.

When I think about what my parents were experiencing my heart starts to hurt.  Parents are not supposed to out live their children.  The sadness and the fear they felt must have been overwhelming.  Mom tells me she was quiet the entire day - not talking to anyone, just sitting in sadness. 

Everyone at the hospital that day gave love and support to each other.