Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Husband's Love

Mike wrote the email below that Sunday night/Monday morning when they thought they were going to lose me.  I didn't actually get to read the email until I was in the rehab facility.  As you read the email, you will realize the impact on a husband during such a trying and emotional time.  There are times in a marriage when you wonder if the love is as strong as it started.  After reading this email, there is no doubt in my mind how much Mike loves me and how much he has endured.

I’m up at 4:00am wondering if I’ll ever have the opportunity to hold you again. I’ve rallied every friend/family member I know to pray for you as well as the photography community. I  only hope that it’s enough. I went to a men’s meeting Saturday and it was a little comforting.   I really should start that up again. It will help me with the anger and to be a better person.

I know I can make promises as to how things will be if God lets you survive this but it feels like I’m bargaining…and I don’t want anything negative to hinder your chances. To pray for God’s will at times like these is one of the hardest things I can ever do…but I know he’s really powerful. You seem to have one of the strongest doctor’s/nurses teams in the country for an illness such as this. Emily and Drew both are with you daily and Emily especially is spending time next to you even though it’s scary to her. I don’t know what your final wishes would be other than that you mentioned that you wanted your life insurance to go to the kids. I’m just typing as thoughts enter my head because I need the release and I already miss you so much. It scares me to death to go to the hospital every morning…not knowing if they’ll tell me something negative. I thought we were going to lose you yesterday and somehow your condition stabilized a little. I can only hope for miracles and that somehow you pull through this.

I really have fallen more deeply in love with you than any other woman I’ve ever met or thought about. You ARE the love of my life and I want this to continue forever. There were times when I thought that I’d not worry about my weight/health too much thinking that I’d go before you so that you’d have the financial benefits. Now I can’t imagine putting you through this type of pain if it’s even a tiny bit as much I’m feeling right now.

I love you. I love you. I love you. PLEASE come back to us.
