Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Slipping Away

As I lay in the hospital "sleeping" for lack of a better term, my family experienced a rollercoaster of emotion.  The emotion started out as worried but confident that I would be okay in a few days.  Life went about it's normal course as Emily went to school and Mike took care of things at the house before and after his visit to the hospital.  Wednesday evening Mike went home to get some rest as he hadn't had a good nights sleep for about a week.  Later that evening, he was awaken to a phone call from the hospital saying they were going to move me to intermediate care because I wasn't getting enough oxygen.  Wanting more details, Mike decided to call the doctor; however, he was interrupted by another call from the hospital saying I was being moved to ICU.

Calls were made to family members to update them on the situation.   Everyone was making arrangements to come see me when needed as the belief was I would be better in a few days.  The first few hours in ICU were pretty typical of anyone with pneumonia.  I ran fever; couldn't eat or keep anything down unitl they found the Lemon Ice.  For anyone who's been in the hospital, you know that the Lemon Ice is smooth, sweet with a bit of lemon tartness.  It is very refreshing when nothing else works.   Of course, I liked this very much and ate as much of it as I could.  Little did I know that it would be the last thing I actually ate for at least a month! 

Things started to turn for the worse and my oxygen level kept dropping.  The decision was made to put me on a ventilator.  By this time, Emily was staying with family and friends.  And, Daron had told Drew to be prepared to take a trip to Austin to see me.  The kids were worried, but everyone kept telling them I was going to be alright.  Emily was worried and wondered when I'd be home.  Whenever she was scared, she would call her Dad for reassurance.  Of course, Drew handled the situation as he always does stuffing the emotion way down deep so he doesn't have to feel it.  It's easier that way (at least in the short run!).

Mom and Dad first learned of me going to ICU when Dad was having surgery on his elbow.  He had the forsight to ask the doctor what the implications would be if they needed to travel to see me.  The doctors explained that he was not to sit still but to move around as to not have any blood clots.  Mom and Dad talked to Mike to find out if he needed them now or if they could wait until the weekend.  Mike assured them that the weekend was fine that I would be okay.

As the week started to come to an end, my struggle became even more difficult.  I had developed ARDS which is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  In the past, only 10% of the people diagnosed with ARDS actually survived it.  However in recent years, a special bed called a "Rotoprone Bed" was designed to help patients with ARDS.  The bed positioned the patient in a manner that the lungs could be released of pressure and provide the optimal environment for oxygen absorbtion. 

Here's the schematic of the bed:

With the ARDS diagnosis, the doctors determined that I would need the Rotoprone bed to survive.  And now started the hunt for the bed...the last available bed in the Central Texas region was found and was to be transferred to the hospital.  With the bed enroute, the doctors explained to Mike that it would be best for the kids to see me before they put me in the bed.  Once again, calls were made and the race began.

Daron immediately told Drew to pack is bags because they were headed to Austin.  He thought "Alrighy" I guess I need to call my coach!  Once they got to town, they stopped by Emily's school to pick her up.  Drew said it really sucked picking Em up from school.  She knew something wasn't right if Dad and Drew where there to get her in the middle of the day.  The minute Emily walked into the office and saw Dad and Drew she broke down and tears began to flow.  Seeing his little girl upset and knowing how grave the situation was, Daron's eyes filled with tears as well.  Once again, Drew was strong pushing all the emotion aside. 

Mom and Dad also made the drive to Austin except this time Mom was behind the wheel.  Dad was in the passenger seat trying to move around as much as he could because of the recent surgery.  Now, it's a blur as to whether Mom and Dad came in on Thursday night or Friday morning; the important part is they came especially since Dad had just gotten out of surgery!

As everyone came to the ICU, they all had the same overwhelming realization...this is serious!  Emily was shocked to see how many machines, cords and tubes were hooked up to my body.  She cried and held my hand to comfort me.  Drew still holding all the emotion in thought "Man, she's hooked up to a lot of shit!"  And Mom's take on the whole scene was that she had never seen anything like it.  It was a scene that you haven't even seen on television.  Before seeing me, no one really grasped the severity of the situation. 

The bed finally arrived and I was placed inside.

Below is the string of emails Mike sent to update family and friend of my status:

Fri, 9 Oct 2009 23:14:31 -0500
Family and friends,

Many of you know, some don’t but Heather had to be admitted to the ICU on Thursday due to extreme pneumonia. They were having trouble getting her oxygenated and her levels kept decreasing. The doctors put her into a special type of bed today which rotates (see attached) which has stabilized her O2 levels. They expect that she’ll be in ICU for several days. Heather’s parents are here and Daren brought the kids in to see her before they had to put her into the prone bed. You can imagine the stress this is putting on us all…so I ask that you keep her in your prayers.

If you’d like to reach out to me, feel free to send me an email unless I call you (except for family) as I’ve been having a tough time getting rest between hospital visits. I’ll try to send out status updates as they come in.


Sat, 10 Oct 2009 18:40:08 -0500
Picture of Heather in her RotoProne bed. So far so good. She's still very sick but stable right now.
Love Mike

Email sent to our Photography Group:
This group is a lot of fun but today I write to you about something serious. Most of you who have attended our events have met Mike's wonderful wife, Heather. Heather provides the group with quite a bit of support from posting information to ordering food to helping models with makeup.

This week, Heather was admitted to the hospital for some health problems. Mike just called to let me know that Heather's condition has taken a turn for the worse and today she was admitted to the ICU.

Please keep Heather, Mike and their family in your thoughts as we all cross our fingers for a speedy recovery for Heather.

Tim Babiak