Every Day Holds the Possiblity of a Miracle!
It was suggested I start a blog to organize the events over the past year, so I can understand them better.
For all who took the journey along side me, forgive me if I have forgotten some of the details as my memory isn't as it once was!
Love to you all!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Voice Mail

People react to situations very differently.  Some are very open with their emotions like my daughter Emily.  Others are reserved and closed off like my son Drew.  Once I was in the rehab facility, I listened to a voice message Drew left for me that bleak Sunday.  The written version below does not capture the emotion in his voice, but I'm sure you will be able to get the idea. 

Momma, it's me Drew.  I just wantede to tell you how much I love you.  I love you so much.  And you know me...I haven't cried, but I'm crying now.  I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that everyone is praying for you.  And this is nothing new for you 'cause you always sleep.  Momma I love you.  And you know me...you are my go-to person.  And we are all praying for you.  Momma I love you and I want to do for you what you always did for me...I'm going to sing to you.

{in broken tearfilled voice he sang}

You are my sunshine
my only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are gray
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I love you Momma.


Connie Hollingsworth said...

Wow, I remember you letting me listen to that voice mail when you were in re-hab...I am crying again!

Journey for a Photographer said...

I may not be able to hear the acutal voice, but I can hear the passion with which it was made.